We Are AbunDANCE
Join "We Are Abundance" to radiate your soul into abunDANCE.!"

The "We Are AbunDANCE" course is awesome and here's why...
It only takes 40 days to change your life!
Just think, you will learn how to tune in and tap into Absolute abundance in just 40 days! You will learn how to align and rise to the life you were born to achieve and receive. You will take back control and take the first step on this EPIC journey to Sacred AbunDANCE!
It's your divine birthright!
You will learn, practice and resonate at Sacred AbunDANCE frequency to radiate and create a massive impact in the world, shifting out of lack and into your divine birthright of Sacred AbunDANCE!
You will experience dramatic results!
This is the container we are holding together, activating a safe, abundant space to transform both individually and as a collective.
We are going to have A LOT of FUN!
Transformation CAN be joyful and fun with this new way of relating & creating the NEW. We will harness support from the New Earth Grid as we work on aligning you.
Who we are!
Courtney & Andrea
Hey, I’m Andrea, and just 4 years ago I began moving my healing work online. It was a whirlwind! It was also fun, exhausting and a steep learning curve, but I never gave up. I was creating content & doing work I LOVED but still not receiving back what I put out into the world.
Since the age of 12, I have studied wealth and abundance (trying to crack the code) layer by layer, but course after course revealed another layer of lack I was carrying.
Four years ago I invested a huge amount of money into a course that made me realize, and unearth, the level of lack I was embodying...In debt...feeling like I was running on a hamster wheel...not gaining any traction to living my financially abundant life.
Dun Dun Dunnnnn....then it all changed, and ABUNDANCE became a sustained state of Being!
I WOKE up one day and spirit said "Andrea you no longer have to worry about the flow of abundance in your bank account anymore, you will always have more than enough", and that has been my reality ever since.
XO ~ Andrea
Hi, I'm Courtney, I was doing work I loved but something still didn't feel right. I felt in a box trying to do my practice, but wanted to become comfortable and confidant with how I showed up with my authentic voice.
The reality I imagined wasn't quiet merging INTO REALITY, so I took a pause, and began relating to myself in new and comfortable ways. Then my life began to blossom in MIND-BLOWING ways, beyond what I thought was even possible, but knew I deeply desired.
Here I am today, creating space for others to discover deeply who they are, how they relate within and how to transform their desires into reality.
As an Experiential Mystic - I LOVE supporting people to embody spirit through the felt sense of life energy and the mystical.
XO ~ Courtney
Meet The Team
We wouldn't be WE without a team, meet our incredible team that are creating the WE ARE ABUNDANCE movement!

Mike Elliott
I work with people to alchemize their money story into empowerment. We have the power to choose our destiny and money has an influence, a resource to get us to our greatest path. Simply a tool to access greatness.
Courtney and Andrea are New Earths Mystics and abunDANCE alchemists', let us introduce ourselves!
We met in February 2020 and our work together has taken us each to new levels. You know when two people come together and they can just hold space together way more than doing it alone? That's us!
We found we could do this abundance DANCE easily, and play in this miraculous space of abundance in FLOW, trusting our guidance we were receiving, then taking action.
It is the most beautiful and soul-satisfying thing to have dance partners in this abundance DANCE, and this is what we want for you too! It makes the TRUTHS we know, REAL and GROUNDED.
This is our intention, to transfer this rich relationship with wealth, of always being provided for, finding trust, and knowing divine guidance is real to you.
When we have a community of souls at the 5D level and above to co-create and relate with, this is how the world we know in our hearts and vision is actually possible. We just need to connect with the right people, who are ready and willing to be in this abundant state.
Separately you are awesome, but together we compliment one another and create the New Earth Abundance of WE ARE AbunDANCE, and it is so much more joyful to be abundant together, than alone!
Attention New Earth Leaders, Ascension Pioneers & Joy Bringers.
It's time to create a massive global shift & align to your abunDANCE code in 40 days!
~ At this time of the new earth, as things are reorganizing and we are moving through letting go and the chaos of change, the abundance frequency is what can open us beyond fear and limitation.
~ You know you are here to radiate and ground new frequencies here on Earth and activate others but have no clue where to begin.
~ The abundance frequency brings us into creativity, choice, and new infinite possibilities.
Anchoring into this frequency will carry us through the collective change process that we are all in together.
Anchoring in together will allow us to hold this process of humanity with curiosity, playfulness and ease.
Can you imagine how it would feel to be luxuriously abundant?
How would your life be different if you could have the freedom to create according to your divine blueprint?
Let me know if this sounds familiar?
You want to TRUST and relax
You want to feel abunDANCE running through your veins and embody this reality on a cellular level
You want to create abunDANCE in your life through creative projects, visions, and manifestations.
You want to trust your inner knowing
You want to unlock this frequency that resides at your very core and sustain it
You want to be paid well and feel deeply nourished
You want to feel connected, reSOURCED and vibrantly ALIVE

By the end of this program, you'll be able to awaken your inner royal self and let her/him THRIVE and shine so you feel unapologetic about your epic desires. Not just learning on a cognitive level, but actually experiencing the teachings.
This course will teach you how to feel so filled up, rich and soul satisfied you can actually START enjoying this SACRED LIFE!
You will learn how to enrich others' lives by being unapologetically YOU, to actually create the most DIVINE life.
You will honour your frequency, and honour your sacred self to ACHIEVE your goals and life mission.
Embodied, rich and ready to do your sacred service, from a space of richness, joy and FREEDOM.
We are AbunDANCE

The "We Are AbunDANCE" Course is offered in 40 days of emailed content.
Each day a new email with daily rituals & actionable items will be released. Including video, downloadable tools, experiential exercises, and the opportunity to apply the content to your day to day life. The email content will be accessible the following day on our class portal.
You will be receiving engaging content with an epic high-level community, and daily actionable material to experience abunDANCE through and through.

Once Again, Here's Everything You
Get Access To Once You Enroll:
What some of our participants experience!
Ben Dirk
Andrea and Courtney are embodied Divine Feminine intuitive adepts that perfectly complement each other. Their combined synergy wove together a container of unconditional love emanating contagious nectar of abundance. Those contained within were immensely supported and propelled to shed self-limiting beliefs and realize more of their innate potential.
“Gratitude. Thank you so much to everyone in this circle, for being here. For doing your work. For holding me and one another so well. Thank you especially to Andrea and Courtney, for your incredible generosity... for living your gifts in the world, and for being such an inspiration in this. I already loved Courtney, and have now fallen quite in love with you Andrea! Your sparkle is irresistible!
I was so moved Andrea when you spoke of this being a movement. I place it in the context of 'the great turning,' a term coined by one of my mentors, Joanna Macy, who speaks of this shift now under way as we move from a culture of hierarchy and domination to a way of being and living that is sustainable and nurturing for all our relations.
It is good to be in the canoe with all of you as we transform into the freedom of living from our luminous essence. And all the good that comes into the world as we follow the joy of living into our destiny.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
You'll get all this, a $9500 Value
for only $555 of
PRICE goes up to $888 next time we offer this!
I'm Ready for the Abundance Code...
Limited time ONLY $555
We have a one payment option of $555 for 40 days, that's $14 a day for the fully loaded content, daily support, and epic transformation.
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